Amco Products Company  |  501 Phoenix Avenue  Fort Smith, Arkansas  72901  |  1-800-643-2510

High Micro's?

With AMCO's Sanitrol System You Can CIP Your Filler Bowl While It Rotates.


If you are bottling or canning carbonated beverages, you need AMCO's Sanitrol hot sanitizing system. The patented Sanitrol System was designed and perfected for use on your bottle or can filler. It allows detergent washing and hot sanitizing (185°) using water from your plant's central sanitizing source, which is then recycled.

With the AMCO Sanitrol System every valve is completely flushed with the solutions WHILE THE FILLER BOWL IS ROTATING, thus cleaning each valve both inside and outside, and allowing hot water to pass through the snift valves as well.

sanitrol system partsmain sanitrol piece

CLICK HERE to watch a video about the AMCO Sanitrol.
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